Free Resources

A collection of Mental Health links and resources.

Antidepressant skills at work: dealing with mood-related problems in the workplace

This tool is freely available and intended for any employee dealing with low mood or depression. It is relevant to individuals at work, off work or returning to work.

Canadian Mental Health Association

The Canadian Mental Health Association is a nationwide charitable mental health organization. Its website has a variety of information on mental health and mental illness, including information about coping with stress.

Mental Health Commission Of Canada

The Mental Health Commission or Canada has resources related to workplace, peer support, caregivers, youth and mental health, and a host of additional topic areas.

Mental Health Works

Mental Health Works helps organizations manage their duty to accommodate employees experiencing mental disabilities and helps employers respond immediately and appropriately when employees experience mental health problems and effectively manage performance and productivity issues. It is founded on the belief that focusing on solutions around mental health issues in the workplace will benefit employers and employees alike.

Canadian Psychological Association

The Canadian Psychological Associationprovides downloadable information sheets on self-care.

Careers Canada

Carers Canada provides tips nad resources to maintain health and well-being during the care providing experience.

Caregiver Guidelines And Toolkit

The Mental Health Commission of Canada’s Caregiver Guidelines and Toolkit provides resources on ensuring mental wellness and effective support.

Operational Stress Injury Resource For Caregivers

The OSI is a resource for caregivers and family members of somebody living with an Operational Stress Injury (eg. PTSD). It provides information and self-care tools to aid in a caregiver role. is a website dedicated to improving mental health in youth and families. You can find info sheets and tools regarding a wide variety of mental health issues.

VON Canada

VON is a not-for-profit, national health care organization and registered charity offering a wide range of community health care solutions on a 24/7 basis.